7 Reasons to Add Online Services to Your ALEX
June 27, 2024
Protected: Build Slideshows to Engage Readers PD Session
July 17, 2024
7 Reasons to Add Online Services to Your ALEX
June 27, 2024
Protected: Build Slideshows to Engage Readers PD Session
July 17, 2024

The best part of library time is the sharing of story. Here's a look at some picture books that are ready (or will be ready) to share this upcoming school year. 

When selecting a read aloud, I look for rhythmic language, active engagement, themes relative to the times of year, and connections to stories, activities that can be included.

Today, we have access to online teaching guides and many top publishers are putting these out as well. A great library system like ALEX will provide a LINK to these tools, right from the book selection menu. In ALEX, link may be added using the OTHER tab while processing books in the ITEMS tab.

Here's a great list of 24 picture books to add in 2024-25:


A Military Salute

by Winsome Bingham (Abrams, Oct 2024)

Mamma's everything—

full of life and love—despite

her PTSD. 


A Generational Hug

by Winsome Bingham (Beach Lane, Oct 2024)

Granny Dee is love,

three trains and day tripping fun

with her granddaughter.

Teaching books about feelings.


A Nod to Dads

by Matthew Rivera (Neal Porter, May 2024)

Manny gets his first

plant and celebrates his very

best gardener: Dad.

Teaching Books Teaching Guide


A Plantastic Read

by Beth Ferry (Simon & Schuster, July 2024)

Born with purple thumb,

Prunella loves stickier, 

scarier gardens.

Teaching Books Teaching Guide




When Opposites Attract

by Ame Dyckman (Two Lions, Aug 2024)

One Boobie is red.

Another Boobie is blue.

Will they be fast friends?


Ode to Camping

by Ame Dyckman (Two Lions, July 2024)

When a family

goes camping, they test drive their

own new way camp style.




A Sacred Space

by Linsday Ward (Two Lions, April 2024)

That perfect place

with that special someone makes

joyful memories.


Ocean Science

by Lynn Brunelle (Neal Porter, June 2024)

When a whale falls down,

down, down to the deep, dark depths,

and becomes a shelter.

Teaching Books Teaching Guide


Explore Book as Art

by Corey R. Tabor (Greenwillow, May 2024)

Ursula swims by

seeing up as down and turns

to find out what's new. 

Teaching Books Teaching Guide


Celebrating Pet Ownership

by Ryan T. Higgins (Disney Hyperion, March 2024)

Not sure she wants one,

Mittens arrives full of fun—

600 pounds full.

Teaching Books Teaching Guide


Unicorn of the Deep

by Candace Fleming (Neal Porter, Oct. 2024)

Narwhal swift and small

points a six-foot tooth to sky

looking for a meal.



Speaking Out About Bans!

by Julia Patton (Sourcebooks, Sept. 2023)

This book is about

what is NOT allowed—

inside this picture book.


For The Worriers

by Rachel Morrisroe (Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, Feb. 2024)

When Alex worries

a full blown Llama appears

and grows and grows.

Teaching Books Teaching Guide


For Book Lovers

by Hayley Rocco (Little Brown, Oct. 2024)

Piper loves her books.

Hoards then until she gets her

own library card.


A Fantastic Flyer Series

by Kaz Windness (Paula Wiseman, Feb. 2025)

When a nonspeaking student

arrives and outflies Bitsy,

she rethinks her role.

Teaching Guide / Activities


Celebrating Books

by Kaz Windness (Flamingo, May 2024)

"A book is a friend"

that brings many surprises

in all shapes and size.


Animal Arithmetic

by Katie Howes (Sourcebook Explore, July 2024)

When reindeer pair up

there's one reindeer remaining—

who longs to fit in. 

Teaching Guide / About



Surprising Sleeps

by Jennifer Ward (Beach Lane, July 2024)

When animals snooze

they curl, float, hold hands,

lay head on backside.

Teaching GuideAuthor Q&AAbout


Engineering A Pet

by Curtis Manley (Roaring Brook Press, March 2025)

Grace cannot have dogs.

So she builds a robot dog

with perfect manners.


Floof-tastic Cats

by Heidi McKinnon (Algonquin, April 2024)

Floof is one floofy

hobbiest and hider who

love-loves his home. 

Teaching Books Teaching Guide


A Greedy Who-Dung-It Tale

by Frank Weber (Disney Hyperion, May 2024)

A greedy beetle

saw his world as large, until

he wanted much more.

Teaching Books Teaching Guide


Ode to They All Saw

by Brendan Wenzel (Chronicle, April 2024)

Cat and dog journey

home by sight and smell and sound

and unexpected.

Teaching Books Teaching Guide



Great First Day Read

by Katrina Moore (Roaring Brook, Oct 2024)

On first day of school

a child finds her potential,

finds her inner star.



Celebrating Falatko

by Julie Falatko (Viking, June 2024)

Sheep and cow team up

to interview roosters to



Cheering Power of Books

by Barry Timms (Tiger Tales, July 2024)

A lost key, a door,

the perfect book discovered

and the world opens.


Solving Dark Mysteries

by Lindsey Leigh (Penguin, June 2024)

Exploring caves and

the creatures down under our

feet that surprise us.

These are just a few of the many books you might integrate into your libraries this upcoming year. They are exciting reminders that learning is fun and language and investigative discovery—especially for what may be found between the pages of a book—make all the difference when it comes to student success.

Want to do even more for patrons? Consider adding Teaching Books or the unique k-12 content discovery engine that creates secure, personalized resource environments: Monarch.

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