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Book Review: Escape Reality with Candy and the Creepy Creatures of Abarat
June 16, 20157 Children’s Books that Get Better with Age

There is something magical about children’s books–the simplicity of innocent stories, laced with poignant lessons about life and love.
Everyone has that one special book. The one that still has the ability to make them laugh out loud and maybe shed a few bittersweet tears. Maybe it’s the one their mom and dad read to them at night before bed or the first book that made them think outside of the box.
Even if it has been decades, there is no shame in picking up an old classic because some things just get better with age.
#1. I Love You Forever

Written By: Robert Munsch and Sheila McGraw
I Love You Forever is a classic and is top on our list of books that get better with age, because let’s be honest . . . the tears well up in your eyes just looking at this picture.
This heartfelt story is unique in its ability to capture the love we feel for our family throughout many years, many stages, and regardless of our many flaws.
Despite the simplicity of the words, the story’s message is a powerful one that never fails to strike a chord no matter how many times you read it.
#2. The Giving Tree
If you read The Giving Tree as a child, you probably didn’t think twice about the book’s meaning. This is definitely one book you grow to appreciate the older you get–although you may continue debating the story’s underlying message.
The Giving Tree offers readers valuable lessons about love and sacrifice.
One thing adults understand, with the experience of having mature relationships as parents and spouses, is our ability to sacrifice our own happiness and wellbeing for the sake of the ones we love.
This book accurately depicts the capacity a parent has to give selflessly to their children with unconditional love, while expecting nothing in return. It sheds light on the wisdom that comes from truly loving another–something we do not fully understand until adulthood.
In this book, the tree is happy to give everything she has to offer, solely for the sake of the boy’s happiness. In the end, the boy values the tree for everything she has given him and wants nothing more than her companionship.
#3. Where the Wild Things Are
But being an adult is not always about being serious. Don’t forget, sometimes you need to escape reality and go where the wild things are!
One thing we lose with age is our childlike sense of imagination–which is a shame because we really need it.
Where the Wild Things Are is a book about a boy named Max who is sent to his room without dinner for being rambunctious. While in his room, Max dreams of a magical place with mystical creatures.
At first, Max is frightened of the wild things with fangs and claws. But he is able to tame them and ultimately becomes their king.
This book is beautifully illustrated, making it fun for both adults and children. It’s subtle message is a good reminder for anyone, at any age, that we possess the ability to control our demons and that although it is healthy to cut loose and get wild at times, we don’t want to permanently stay where the wild things are.
#4. Corduroy
Feeling a little lost and out of sorts? Wander into your nearest bookstore and read Corduroy. It will make you feel better and hey, you might meet someone there who likes you despite the fact that your clothes are tattered and torn.
Although this book is a little cheesy for adults, it still makes the list because at its core–the book is about being kind, compassionate, and open-minded.
Children are much better at being kind and compassionate to strangers and rarely judge based on superficial qualities like clothes. This book serves as a good reminder that even the smallest charity or kindness you pay a stranger can have a great impact.
Corduroy may not make you forget your troubles, but it might inspire you to help another overcome theirs and that will surely put a smile on your face.
#5. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Who can’t relate to having a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day? And why does it always start with stubbing your toe? This book never gets old, because seriously–some days are just like that.
Hats off to Judith Viorst and Ray Cruz for writing and illustrating this comical masterpiece that teaches naive minds that sometimes . . . stuff happens.
This book perfectly portrays everyone’s typical “bad day”. As poor Alexander copes, we giggle at the unfolding series of unfortunate events. Pick this book up if you have forgotten how to laugh at your own personal mishaps and failings. It will help get you through days when you get gum stuck in your hair.
#6. The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales
When you are a kid, you learn the rules. When you are an adult, you can’t seem to forget the rules. If you are stuck in a rut, pull out The Stinky Cheese Man for some inspiration. Then, get out there and try something new and different.
This book is full of artistic illustrations, innovative designs, and hilarious fairy tales with a modern twist.
For adults, the moral of this story should be to buck the trend and challenge the tried and true methods for problem solving.
This book breaks every rule for creating the typical children’s story–successfully.
So the next time you think something is impossible, just remember, there is always another perspective and another right answer.
#7. The Missing Piece
Wait, this is a children’s book? I thought this was a self-help book for adults.
Shel Silverstein is the master of writing enlightening stories through simple words and illustrations. This book teaches children (and adults) the importance of having a strong sense of self-worth.
Have you ever felt like something was just missing? Have you ever felt alone? Of course you have, duh! If you are looking for answers on how to find that special someone, you won’t find it here.
This book reminds us that no person can fill a void you feel inside–that job is ultimately up to you. But while you are out looking for your missing piece, whatever or whoever that might be, you can enjoy the experience of filling your life with all different shapes and sizes.
If this book does help you find yourself, you just might end up finding your missing piece too.
I still remember a good number of these books. At the point of my life where adulthood is beginning to happen, it’s nice to know there are childhood aspects that will always be around.
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