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April 11, 2018

How Does Your Library Lead?

Libraries are the backbone for discovery, whether your library is centered around books, mix media, technology, makerspaces, or collaborative learning.
March 26, 2018

Spring into Reading with Book-Inspired Posters

As the sun stays out longer and the number of school days gets smaller, encourage library patrons to read by decorating your library with our reading-inspired posters.
March 14, 2018

23 Children’s Books to Read for International Children’s Book Day

International Children’s Book Day is on April 2nd. If we didn’t already have a good enough excuse to read children’s books, this day is for sure one!
March 6, 2018

Springtime Books for Library Patrons of All Ages!

Springtime is the perfect season to do some spring cleaning, final studying before the summer break, and of course, to get lost in a wonderful book!
March 1, 2018

Spring Library Activities and Lesson Plans

It can be a little chaotic planning library lessons, inventorying your collection, and managing students. But, having a lesson plan or two up your sleeve can be helpful when spring fever hits you and your students.
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Visitor Management Done Right.

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Manage Textbooks and Other Assets

Take control of your text books through Alexandria.