Measure Engagement Without Limits

With the foundation of GG4L School Passport's SIS integration, automated rostering, and patented monitoring technology Alexandria Engagement+ is able to enhance your measurement of all student online reading, learning, and engagement. Without this enhanced layer, educators are in the dark. Alexandria Engagement+ breaks down all online student engagement by website, app, program, subject area, and reading level organized by school, class, and time spent.

How Alexandria Engagement+ Works

The Alexandria Engagement+ Extension is your student’s ticket to everything EdTech. One click in the browser provides a fully customizable launcher to all school provisioned applications.

Also, click the extension any time to find out the reading level of any article or web page, and other engagement features like the time spent learning in that category.

Intelligently Measure All Online Learning

Alexandria Engagement+ The Critical Layer of Digital Learning

Making Digital Learning Easy & Transparent

Quickly understand what digital resources are being used, what is working, and what isn't.

Staff & Faculty

School Leaders can instantly see how learning is being accomplished on all devices. Visualizations, organized by School, Class, and even Student, simplify thousands of data points, allowing you to quickly understand what is working, and what isn’t

  • Full Dashboard - Filter by day, reports, exports, etc.
  • Full Data Page
  • Attendance Page
  • Challenges
  • Library


Teachers get the same helpful information on where and how student learning is happening, down to the student. Teachers can better connect with students, and assign reading across the web by reading level, subject area, or website.

  • Full Dashboard - Filter by day, reports, exports, etc.
  • Full Data Page
  • Attendance Page
  • Challenges
  • Library


Students are empowered to learn with the freedom to explore and read topics or websites that interest them, while getting recognized for it. Stars and Stacks communicate a student’s passion in a specific topic or category that can help foster college and career readiness.

  • Full Student Dashboard
  • Collects Time Engaged
  • Shows Reading Time & Level
  • Easy Access SSO
  • Challenges
  • Library