Create (or Code) Slideshows in Seconds to Engage Readers
September 21, 2022
When You Wonder How to Lift Readers
October 20, 20227 Bulletin Board Ideas to Boost Reading

Create a school library welcome page
Include a mini library overview and code in a simple search. This allows students to perform a search on any topic, right from your welcome page.

Share learning targets along with great reads
Provide teachers and parents an overview of what students read in the library weekly or monthly or even by the grade. Help teachers know how you are extending what is being taught in the classroom: learning targets, discussions, and activities.

Create voice and choice library activities
Link to great online TED lessons activities. Set up a way for all teachers to quickly access great activities that help them in the classroom. This is a great way to do districtwide Fun Friday activities that connect to learning targets.

Share a full Khan Academy course and extend learning
Link to great online courses that include activities and videos that will extend learning and improve engagement in the classroom.

Encourage tech tool usage districtwide
Take districtwide initiatives like integrating more tech tools into the classroom and create a teacher resource that inspires implementation.

Create dynamic book experiences for grade-level novel reads
Perhaps your grade has certain novels they read during the year. Now, you can collect your assessments and resources all in one place.

Provide choice activities with common assessments
Really inspire reading with First-Chapter Challenges and host a meet and greet with many books while also sharing Google Form assessments.
I look forward to learning. Is there someone that will help me implement an efficient inventory process?
Be sure to register for Alexandria training. We host monthly, and offer the course in two parts: goalexandria.com/training