Holiday Gifts for our Librarians and Media Specialists!
November 16, 2018
Why Makerspaces are Important Assets for the Library
December 11, 2018December Reading Posters and Winter STEM Activity
A Book is a Gift You Can Open Again and Again!
It’s the holiday season at the library! We know you and your students are excited about the winter break. This December we have four new reading posters for you to hang up in your office, library, or school! Be sure to download the posters below. We’ve also included a winter STEM activity you can incorporate into your library lesson plans for the month of December.
Do you love Pinterest?
Are you an avid pinner? Do you look for library inspiration on Pinterest? Make sure to follow us! We pin all things librarian and this month we are pinning winter library displays, lesson plans, bulletin boards, books, and more!Make sure to follow our pins!
Winter Reading Posters

8 x 11
8 x 14
Winter STEM Library Activity
Hot chocolate STEM Experiment - Everyone loves hot chocolate during the winter's cold months! As the holiday break approaches, educators and students can be a little distracted because of the holiday spirit. Bring some fun and holiday spirit into your library with this STEM activity, perfect for students young and old. Best of all, you only need a few supplies.This STEM activity will focus on which temperature of the water will dissolve hot chocolate and mix-ins the quickest.
What you'll need:
- Cups
- Packets of instant hot chocolate
- Water
- Spoons
- Stopwatch/ Timer
- Notebook to record results
- Kitchen thermometer
- Mix-ins (optional): marshmallow, gram crackers, chocolate bars, cookies, etc..
The Experiment
Step 1: Make Predictions
Divide students into groups of four or five. Each group can have their own supplies. Start the experiment by asking each group their predictions: Which temperature of the water will dissolve the hot chocolate the quickest? If you are using the mix-ins, you can ask which supplies will dissolve the quickest and in which order. Have students write down their predictions.Step 2: Conduct the Experiment
For older students, they can measure the temperature of the water. Begin with the coldest cup of water first. You can even add ice cubs. Have each group add the hot chocolate packet to their cold water and begin the timer. Do the same for all temperatures of water. Recording the time it takes for the hot chocolate to completely dissolve for each temperature of water, we suggest having up to three different temperatures of water.You may need to assist younger students with the hot water. If you need to do so, you can rotate between each group. Check out how this librarian uses stations to work with smaller groups of students.
If you are using the mix-ins like marshmallows, gram crackers, chocolate bar, you can use three more cups of water using the same steps as above, just replacing the hot chocolate mix with one of the other ingredients.
Step 3: Analysis and Discussion
Discuss the results with your students. Ask how their predictions differed from the outcome, and why they think the hot water dissolved the hot chocolate mix faster than the cold water.The Science Behind the Experiment
Hot water has more energy than cold water. With more energy, the molecules in the water move faster to break down and dissolve substances. To learn more about the science behind this experiment check out this resource!Looking for more Holiday Inspiration?
Check out these other blog posts!
November 30, 2020
Something we all share at Alexandria is a love for books and reading, which means there’s no shortage of recommendations around here. Since Halloween is just around the corner, we’ve compiled a list of fun and eerie books with options for all ages.
November 29, 2019
It's offically that time of year again! As our favorite season, we love sharing holiday library-themed content. Download the newest reading posters below and check out the other holiday library resources we gathered.