How to Set Up Your Library for the New Year (Version 7)
July 27, 2016
Halloween Posters for Your Library
October 3, 2016Last-Minute Summer Non-Fiction

School is almost back in session! Did you finish your summer reading lists? If you’re anything like us at Alexandria, you’ve got stacks on stacks of books to finish by the beginning of the school year, end of the calendar year, whatever it may be. Not to throw a curveball at your reading plan, but there are some highly anticipated releases coming this month; you may want to re-prioritize after we share these titles with you:
I Contain Multitudes by Ed Yong
If you haven’t heard about the marvel that is microbes, prepare to be blown away. Ed Yong will show you our connection with nature in ways that you’ve never imagined, while also spotlighting the scientific community that is currently bringing us this rich information.
When Millenials Rule by David & Jack Kahn
Are you struggling to understand the inner-workings of this new generation? Millenials may never comprehend life before them (like the concept of road maps under the passenger seat, sibilings spying on your telephone conversations from the phone hidden elsewhere in the house, or going to the store to rent a new movie but they’re out of stock, to name only a few) but that doesn’t mean we can’t try to understand them.
The Southern Education of a Jersey Girl by Jaime Primak Sullivan
You may recognize Jaime Primak Sullivan’s name, but not from anything you’ve read. This New Jersey native is already known around the reality TV circuit, and now she enters the author’s world as she shares the humorous tale of falling in love with a Southerner and moving her Garden State life to Dixieland.
Adnan’s Story by Rabia Chaudry
Were you glued to your podcast player for the weekly series Serial or Undisclosed? This biography by Rabia Chaudry delves into the life of Adnan before, during, and after his trial, as well as information regarding the recent happenings with the case.
Born Bright by C. Nicole Mason
An intimate, heart-wrenching memoir of the challenges of growing up in poverty, this inspiring reflection of the American struggle will move you.