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March 8, 2024Streamlining Library Operations: A Deep Dive into Automation Technologies

WHEN WE CONSIDER LIBRARY AUTOMATION, we know it to be this great pulse word for 21st century moves any library can make to become more streamlined and efficient in serving patrons. Today, many library automation systems look the same, but if we look toward the future of libraries, it takes a deeper dive or explore into how a library ILS stands above by leaning into the use of tech tools, learning what processes can be made easier through coding, and how the ILS makes communications with patrons so easy.
Benefits of Library Automation
From a librarian’s point of view, the ability to present options to readers with ease benefits everyone. Librarians entice them to read that book that is an exceptional fit for them. Being able to present different interactions and book experiences is a must.

Unlimited Search Panes
Create great book-reader interactions right inside your library ILS.
Create multiple ways kids can interact with tech to best select books in the physical and electronic library.

Genres + Series Search
We can ask how patrons like to explore books and create tech-based searches.
Create new ways for all stakeholders search for that 'just right' book. Help them see what more there is to offer—without even needing to rearrange the shelves.
Efficiency and Time Savings
It is ever and always a good time to ask what your library ILS can do to help streamline efficiencies. For me, when it comes to ALEX, this is one of its biggest assets.

Create Targeted Slideshows
Create slideshows in 10-30 seconds that are instantly shareable.
You can now communicate with Alexandria ILS using Search Strings and program in data you'd like to present to patrons into handy slideshows. Use these to present to students as they enter the library.

Present Slideshows for Age-Ranges + Topics
Create a whole pane or multiple panes of slideshows.
If you have the books, ALEX has the way to present them as a slideshow. Want genre categories. no problem. Your history teacher needs all books on the cold war, no problem. It's Friday and your ELA teacher needs to review Lexile levels, no problem We have slideshows to care for your search needs—and they take minutes to create.
Enhanced User Experience
ALEX can provide readers with bonus book experiences by the resource, on bulletings, in created explore panes so that you, as the librarian can be super creative in promoting the love of reading while simultaneouslt helping all stakeholders: parents, patronds, teachers, and admin.

Create Multiple Panes of Library Resources
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Create a Shareable Welcome Bulletin
Mauris rhoncus orci in imperdiet placerat dolor. Vestibulum euismod nisl.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla mauris dolor suscipit ligula volutpat, a feugiat urna maximus.
Improved Resources
When we can build instant, improved library resources, we really are improving reading by making it more accessible. Here are two ways to do that in ALEX.

Add on eBooks to your library and enjoy. Bring them directly into your OPAC and let kids select and read quickly.

Teaching Books Add-on
Teaching Books has been a valued resource for lesson creators for years.
Now, ALEX users can enjoy these resources, lessons, author insights as clickables that are customizable right from the search menu.
LIBRARY AUTOMATION helps any library become more streamlined and efficient. Today, many library automation systems look the similar, but those that integrate tech, streamline processes through coding, and help librarians both enhance experience and better communication with patrons will indeed rise up as a favorite.