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June 27, 2024Monarch Lets Students Discover, Connect & Engage

Monarch is an incredible teaching factory for students.
Students who have grown up with technology in hand are clearly different students than students even 5 years ago. Today, kids want to explore, discover, code, create, rethink, challenge, and completely explore the world around them.
They, along with all of us, are discovering that a bee may just looks like a bee, but it might be that smallest, most fragile key to life itself.
Similarly, life in the classroom may just look like life in the classroom, but the room where students are most engaged, uber-connected to lessons, and thriving well beyond their peers is utilizing the power of Monarch, the COUNTLESS RESOURCES with ONE SEARCH ENGINE that helps inspire real knowledge explorations, and has the ability to differentiate instruction.
It just doesn't get much better than that.
Meet Monarch.
Today's students are begging for us to trust that they have the capacity to learn for themselves. They want to fully engage with curriculum, be guided, learn how to seek and engage.
Better is the student who has discovered on his own, been provided a question or topic to pursue, than those who have been provided answers to memorize. We all agree. Even the U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona agrees, “Teachers [are] to become designers of active learning, using technology in effective ways to engage and inspire students.”
Monarch responds directly by compiling oodles of learning resources: eBooks, Lesson Plans, Activities, Teacher Guides, Videos, Articles, Games, Learning modules, and more in a ready-to-execute fashion.
Monarch creates the chrysalis that becomes the Monarch that flies some 3,000 miles successfully, and, likewise, today's student enjoys research, experimenting, and lavishes in the wings of wonderment. Let them ask the questions and solve for it, and let them bathe in thousands of well-curated content at every level and ability acumen for every student to freely explore in every classroom. They can marvel at the mysteries they, themselves, may resolve.
MONARCH allows students to research & explore more.
Students Search Sharks, Great White & Explore
Select eBooks & Click to Search & Read.

Students Watch & Witness Behaviors
They Select Videos & Click to View!

Click Through to TeachingBooks
It's a click away! Select Books + Teaching Books & Click to Explore More!

Students Read Journals & Articles
Select Articles & Click to Read & Research!

They May Challenge Themselves
Select Games & Activities & Click to Play!

Students May Report & Share
Students Select Printables + Articles/Photos & Click to Use!

Students are adept at tech. They beg to DISCOVER, CONNECT & ENGAGE— so collecting it and making it only a click away and online 24/7/365 days makes perfect sense.
MONARCH creates “equitable access to connectivity, devices, and digital content” (National Ed Tech Plan - Office of Educational Technology, NETP). Students need guidance and mentoring right now, so they may better utilize their third thumbs & really boost their own learning beyond our wildest dreams.
MONARCH does that. It uber engages with tech learning and STEM targets, differentiation, language support, and hosts the potential to to change tier 2, tier 3 students into success story after success story.
MONARCH provides that place, that online, searchable creative, engaged learning , that allows students the opportunity to journey from caterpillar to butterfly.
MONARCH ensures equitable access through tech on student devices with immediate accessibility in the classroom and be able to differentiate with ease. Students empower themselves, learn beyond the classroom, self-direct learning—all while learning, retaining, experiencing, & engaging.
There is one place, one searchable space, to turn to: MONARCH.

As the 2024 NETP plan identified three key divides that needed to be bridged to better support teaching and learning, Monarch provides that three-tiered solution:
- Digital Use: DISCOVER. Monarch improves how students interact and engage with technology. Enhance learning by gathering dynamic applications of technology students may explore, create, and engage in critical analysis of academic content and knowledge: eBooks, Interactives, Quizzes, Activities, TeachingBooks, Videos, Articles, Games, Learning modules, and more searchable.
- Digital Design: CONNECT. Monarch provides that opportunities-gathering-space where students may investigate and expand learning and design experiences that are enhanced technology learning; and
- Digital Access: ENGAGE. Monarch students gain equitable access and take advantage of educational technology, connectivity, digital content and provide accessibility and digital health, safety, and citizenship with easy ways to differentiate.
Today, let's transform learning and serve up one awesome bundle of ‘edu-gameology’ for allowing student to engage their success.

Just like the caterpillar transforms into the Monarch with lofty wings that will eventually raise them skyward to fly some 3,000 miles home annually, students too have this innate potential to do the same in the classroom. Students are the navigators of their souls, their purpose, and we need to do whatever it takes to help engage learning and rise up into a higher level of gamified technology because futures success depends on it.
Monarch delivers.
Monarch is a unique discovery place all learners will benefit from.
Monarch is a unique, K-12 content discovery engine that creates secure and personalized digital search environments for your students, igniting lifelong learning for generations to come. It allows districts to upload multiple resources into one searchable library of teaching solutions: Learning 360, Sora/Overdrive, Gale, TeachingBooks and more.
A MONARCH's journey begins like a student's,
caterpillars, filled with transformational abilities,
consume the nutrients needed
to become the chrysalises
that become butterflies that don wings and fly sky high.
Students who discover that one place
where they may land online and find
every resource needed,
collected and curated in a searchable,
instantly accessible,
by grade,
by language,
by standard,
by individual need,
on this one magnificent search engine—
that is the beauty of Monarch.
Monarch. All the extras. All the hype.
All in a one search engine powerful enough to do enough to bridge tech to engaged learning.
Monarch is exclusively distributed through COMPanion Corporation, creators of Alexandria® Library Management Solutions.