Monarch Lets Students Discover, Connect & Engage
June 18, 2024
26 Picture Books That Will Thrill Readers + Bonus Ways to Engage
July 8, 20247 Reasons to Add Online Services to Your ALEX

Connect Patrons to eBooks, Improved Tech & Enhance Learning
I'd like to introduce you to Alexandria's Online Services add-on and eBooks and share the amazing benefits of instant access to thousands of eBooks and digital resources from industry-leading digital distributors within in your catalog!
Alexandria partners with industry-leading ebook distributors: Lightbox, AV2 and AV2 World Languages, Eye Discover, Capstone Interactive, giving your patrons access to tens of thousands of English, Spanish, and bilingual eBooks from the Pre-K to 12th grade levels directly in Alexandria. All eBooks are Unlimited Simultaneous Access (USA) and come with free Mitinet Superb MARC™ records. These MARC records are unique to Alexandria and promote library advocacy by enhancing the discoverability and accessibility of these ebooks through Alexandria remotely and onsite.
Adding ebook integration to your Alexandria your school benefits:
- Integrate and assign materials in any Learning Management Software (LMS), like Google Classroom, Canvas, Schoology and more.
- View and report real-time on which ebooks your patrons have checked out.
- Choose the ebook vendors of your choice.

Add Lightbox & Watch Reading Come to Life
Lightbox K-2 titles feature fully narrated audio. Every spread comes with age and grade appropriate digital features. Digital resources are conveniently located and integrated into the text. Plus, Lightbox activities can be downloaded, printed, or filled out online and feature 2 to 4 high definition video clips to enhance learning.
Add AV2 & Explore Read-to-Me, Quizzes & More
AV2 provides built-in digital features that allow readers to delve deeper into topics thanks to links, videos, activities, and slides. Every sentence is highlighted as its read aloud. Readers find resources and easy-to-navigate table of contents shows pages that contain interactive element icons, Read to Me feature (the story is read to them and pages are turned automatically for differentiation), and a digital resources toolbar, quizzes, and key word activities that may be completed online or printed out for classroom use.

Add EyeDiscover & Reach Reluctant Readers
Optimized for iPads, tablets, whiteboards, computers, and more, ED is packed with special features designed for reluctant readers. Professional narrators read ebooks aloud and allow beginning readers to listen to high-resolution videos turn each spread into an optic read-along at their own pace.
Add AV2 World Languages & Navigate 12 Options in a Click
With AV2 World Languages, students toggle between languages and read text with audio options for 12 languages. Titles include up to 96 English sight words, nonfiction titles alignment to classroom curriculum, easy-to-read layouts, and captivating full-screen images. Interactives support parent and teacher involvement, and it comes with lifetime ownership of eBooks.

Add SORA eBooks & Add Read-on-Screen options
Enjoy Sora on your phone, tablet, laptop, or computer. If your school hasn’t started using Sora yet, go to DiscoverSora.com and get started. You can activate Sora for free with the no-cost Sora Starter titles that come with each platform, then build a customized collection of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines and more from our industry-best catalog to meet your school’s unique curriculum and enrichment reading needs.
Add Capstone Interactive & Pebble Go
Capstone Interactive provides read-aloud audio for EVERY book, engages students, and provides evidence-based scaffolding for pre-readers, struggling readers, English language learners, and more. Multi-user, simultaneous access that launches a book with 1 click from your library catalog. Easy integration not only into ALEX, but also Google Classroom, Seesaw, and more. School librarians can request free MARC records for 1-click access from your library catalog. Over 6,000 titles to choose with no hidden fees.

Add Gumdrop eBooks
Gumdrop Books offer English, Spanish, and bilingual eBooks from the PreK to 12th grade levels! The eBooks are Unlimited Simultaneous Access (USA) and come with free Mitinet Superb MARC™ records and are easily accessed directly through ALEX and readily shared to Google Classroom, Canvas, and others. Gumdrop eBooks are Unlimited Multi-User, Unlimited Simultaneous-Use, and Compatible with any Device.
The Magic? Once Added, Students Search EBooks within Your OPAC

Create A Whole Library Explore Pane
Search collectively as EBooks or create an Explore Pane that features all your eBook Collections individually. Spool a Slideshow or do a Search.

EBooks Become Searchable & Readable
EBooks integrate into your library search and become searchable.

& You Can Link Share These Offerings
Simply copy the Explore Pane URL and share on a Bulletin or email or send to a parent or in a newsletter, creating an awesome school-to-home connection,
Want more insights on how to do more with ALEX, see our help guides for you:

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