SLIDESHOWS “In 3 Clicks of Less!”
November 30, 2022
BULLETIN BOARDS “Links, Lessons, Assessments & More”
November 30, 2022EXPLORE “Fully Customizable & Unlimited”
Book this personalized professional development session with our Virtual Librarian. You will be contacted within 24 hours upon receipt of your P.O. to personalize and schedule your session. Personalized sessions are non-refundable and must be scheduled within 3 months of your order or be forfeited.
As a Librarian, Explore helps me do more. When we say that Alexandria is “Your Library Without Limits”, Explore proves it! This session teaches you how to create custom patron experiences that can help achieve reading goals through strategic “clickables” to Bulletin Boards, Teachers Guides, eBook publications, Slideshows, award-winning books, or series in the library or your whole library collection. Really, anything you need to connect students to the curriculum can be added to Explore!