Our Reviews of Books Banned in 2017
November 3, 2017
Winter and Holiday Reading Posters 2017
November 20, 2017Thanksgiving Books We are Grateful For!

Winter has begun to rear its ugly head and Christmas is just around the corner! But, this month we take a day off to give thanks for the things we are truly grateful for. I am grateful to live in a country where we have running water, electricity, and easy access to food, medical treatment & education.
Best Thanksgiving Books to Read this November
It’s easy to forget our day to day blessings when life doesn’t go as expected. In the spirit of November, here are five Thanksgiving books to help us remember what this holiday is all about!
Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving
by Dav Pilkey (Children’s Picture book, Ages 3-5)
Adapted from Clement Moore’s popular Christmas poem this illustrated adventure sees eight school kids on a field trip to a turkey farm. But when the children discover the turkeys are going to be killed for their Thanksgiving dinners they decide to intervene.

The Pilgrims’ First Thanksgiving
by Ann McGovern (Children's Historical Picture book, Ages 4-8)
The Second Thanksgiving
by Douglas Lloyd McIntosh (Historical Fiction, Ages 12 & Up)
This Thanksgiving book follows the story of the Cooke family as they reunite in the new world two years after the first Thanksgiving dinner. Life has become increasingly difficult for the settlers at Plymouth, so they turn to their faith in God hoping for a solution.

Thanksgiving: The True Story
by Penny Colman (Nonfiction, Ages 10 & Up)
History of Thanksgiving Did you know Thanksgiving, or the celebration of harvest and thanks, was celebrated by ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans? Way before the Pilgrims landed in Plymouth! Learn more facts about the history of Thanksgiving here!
The Ghost at the Table
by Suzanne Berne (Fiction, Ages 17 & Up)
Sisters Frances and Cynthia have maintained a good relationship as adults, but when their long-estranged father reappears in their lives, they find themselves reunited as a family at Thanksgiving. Frances envisions a happy family holiday while Cynthia can’t ignore their father’s presence and the memories of their past that accompanies him.

We bet you probably knew November is Picture Book Month. But, in case you didn't...
Check out our list of favorite Picture books throughout the century! We listed 30+ picture books starting from 1910's up to 2010's. It's a good kick of nostalgia!